Love handles

You're in love. You eat dessert with reckless abandon. What's snuggling up and smooching on the couch compared to working out? Right?

Sometimes relationships have a negative effect on our weight. Whether we are in one or not... it can make or break our fitness goals.

How many men out there gained a little padding while their lady was pregnant? Or how many brides can still fit in to their dress from the big day? The older we get, the harder it is to maintain our physique and the easier it can be to let ourselves go - relationship or not.

So what can we do to combat this situation?

Kevin and I just got bikes and love it! We support one another in our efforts to lose the added padding we've gained from being in love and comfortable. It's important to have a support system - even if you are not in a couple at the moment. Find a friend who you can walk with, or hit up the gym and take some classes.

It's all about balance. I'm not saying never have the dessert - but try and work in a walk every now and then. And if you do have a partner - even better!

So tell me - how have your relationships effected your weight?