An obsessive, bionic, Japanese speaking snoop?

1992 (24 yrs old) Donna (left) and me (right) on Halloween in the dressing room. Note the poster of Eric on the door.

On the heels of gal pal Dalai Lina's post today, I'm going to share five things about myself that you don't know - then ask you to share a little about YOU.

Here's me:

1) In 1992, I was obsessed with The Real World (season one)'s Eric Nies (notice him on the dressing room door behind me). Obsessed. He was hot, fun and totally unattainable, just the type of man I liked. 
After The Real World wrapped, Eric parlayed his 15 minutes into a "VJ" (video jockey) role on MTV.  When a contest to guest host with Eric for a week was announced, I quickly entered. The rules stated we could enter as many times as we liked, so that's exactly what I did. I hand wrote thousands of post cards and mailed them to the MTV corporate offices in
New York. Convinced I would win, I drove around the island dropping off hundreds of entries in different post boxes, thinking I had a better chance of winning if the mail was spread out. I had all the dancers in the club filling out these post cards during their time off stage.
I didn't win, but it was an incredible display of my tenacity and passion; not to mention a lesson in life being incredibly unfair.
2) In the third grade, I was a bit of a track star in school. When a fellow classmate asked me "how can you run so fast?", I couldn't help myself. I told her I was bionic. Her mouth gasped open, and to prove my lie, I said "watch this..." and proceeded to walk up to the hand-powered, wall mounted pencil sharpener and grinded that pencil within an inch of its life. She promised to keep my secret under wraps and was thrilled to know a real-life Bionic Woman.
3) I'm left-handed, but do everything else with my right hand. I'm also dyslectic and have the worst hand writing known to man. I should have been a serial killer. Or a doctor.
4) I speak Japanese. When you grow up in Hawaii, the second language is Japanese, so it makes sense. Thanks to a summer job at Häagen-Dazs in Waikiki, I still know how to say "A dollar sixty-nine", "big cone, or small cone?", and "I'll be with you in a moment".
Years later in Northern California, I worked as a store manager at Ann Taylor. When a group of Japanese tourists walked in the store, I greeted them and chatted a little in Japanese to them. They were stunned!
Angela and me. Love the Milli Vanilli shorts.
5) I'm a recovering snoop. When Robert and I lived together, I snooped all the time. You'd think the fact he was a drug dealer would've scared me, but I didn't care. I wanted to catch him in the cheating act, because I knew he was playing around, and I thought if I had proof, it'd help me leave him.
When I discovered a love letter and photo from a stunning blonde, Angela, I immediately phoned the number she left. After introducing myself, Angela invited me for a drink and I curiously accepted. We learned a TON about Robert and decided to confront him together. Later that night, you could've knocked him over with a feather when he came home to see Angela and I sitting on the couch, hamming it up.
I kicked Robert out and Angela moved in. It was the beginning of a life long friendship, and I consider her to be one of the most amazing women I know.
It's been years since I've played detective. When you surround yourself with people you love and trust, there really is no need to invade someones personal space. My motto is, if I feel like I should be checking your phone or emails, I shouldn't be dating you in the first place.
So there you have it. Five random facts about me that you didn't know.

Can you think of any you'd like to share about YOU? Anonymous comments are okay.