Sitting here at my gate, waiting to board my flight to New York it feels like deja vu.
Sort of.
I was here recently with my best gal pal Becky and she helped get my obsessive mind off my fear of flying.
Today, I sit alone - waiting for my plane.
I am headed back to The Big Apple for a writer's conference and I couldn't be happier. I just wish I could blink my eyes and be there.
LOVE to travel. Hate to fly.
I've never flown by myself this far without any drugs to calm my nerves. As a recovering addict, it's kind of frowned upon.
So I sit. And I sit.
To combat my obsessive mind with the worst that could happen, I lose myself in watching the people around me. I imagine their story, wondering if anybody else is as nervous as I am. I listen to the cute elderly couple chat about the weather. There's a certain calmness brushed over me when I secretly invite myself to someone's little travel world at the gate.
I think it's time to board shortly so I better log off.
I'll check in from New York. Thanks for listening to me freak out.