Logical or emotional?

One of the only times I wish I were more logical than emotional is when I travel.

This time tomorrow I will be on a plane for New York. I am excited to read for The Red Umbrella Diaries but right now, fear is out weighing the thrill of this trip.

I am a nervous flyer. Ever since I was locked in the bathroom on a flight from Hawaii to Canada at thirteen, I’ve been a big baby in the air. I wasn’t so much locked – as I just couldn’t figure out how to let myself out. I had my first panic attack, which was really fun.

I’ve heard creative people tend to fear flying more than our logical thinking counterparts. Our brains imagine shards of glass flying, the smell of flesh burning and everything in-between. It's awesome.

I am going to be fine, I know – but it still feels like I won’t, when I am in the air. A therapist told me once it was a control thing. Whatever it is, I will be happy tomorrow after I land.

So tell me: Are you a logical or emotional person? And are you afraid of flying?