Spring cleaning: clearing out emotional clutter

As a person who grew up in Hawaii, I’m not accustomed to seasons. Most days on the island were like summer, even in January. Although I spent close to 30 years living in paradise, I’ve been a California resident for over a decade now, so you’d think I’d be used to seasons (you can stop laughing, mid-western and east coast friends).

Although California's seasons are weak compared to most of the mainland, I'm still a sucker for fall fashion and am thrilled I get to experience anything lower than 60 degrees. I swear, I didn't even know what trouser socks were until I was 28. Don't get me started on the night I freaked out seeing "smoke" coming out of my mouth for the first time. Cold air coming out of our mouths when we breathe? That's madness!

My love of knee-high boots and cashmere scarves aside, fall still comes in second to my favorite season,
which is spring. There's something about nature rebuilding herself that I love; a reminder that darkness does eventually pass, and the rebirth of sunshine and warmer days are the perfect symbolism for spiritual regrowth. The most beautiful days I've ever experienced have been born on the heels of an ugly rainstorm. The air is crisp, and just smells cleaner.

It's the same with life.

When darkness falls, and all we feel is the cold chill of circumstance, it's important to remember to just ride out the storm, because sunshine is just around the bend. Whether you're rich or poor, young or old, winter always comes - and better times always follow.

We're five months in to the new year, and spring has officially arrived. So, as we're cleaning out basements and hall closets this year (thanks for the inspiration, Dalai Lina!), why not continue the thought with ourselves? Let's take emotional stock of our hearts, and dust off some negative cobwebs in the corners of our minds.

Spring is a perfect time to ask:
  • Am I on track with goals and dreams?
  • How can I get there?
  • What will it take for me to find my Happy on the road to personal fulfillment?
I know this is a lot to think about, so let me propose this: for the remainder of the month, think about those very questions and focus on your emotional closet space. Abolish those negative voices in your head and make room for a new season of positive affirmations.

There is an old saying that Happiness is not the destination, but the journey. Take a moment to remember that – and believe you are more in control of your path than you realize.

YOU have what it takes to navigate around life’s speed bumps. All it takes is a little spring cleaning.

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."