As children, some of us were taught that 'hate' is a bad word. The bad guys hated; the good guys loved. As long as we steered clear of the bad guys, life was peachy.

So why the occasional stench of rotten fruit among us? Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" ~ Dolly Parton.

Without getting our political or religious toes damp, I will pour you a powdery glass of my thoughts about NOH8.
I'm no 86 year old like Philip Spooner (more on him in a bit), but I've got some years on me. I remember pay phones, fixing cassette tapes with my pen, waiting an hour for my Grease eight-track to replay and actually playing volleyball outside, as opposed to on my television screen. I had a crush on Scott Baio, wanted to be Sandy Olsson and Donkey Kong'ed myself to carpel tunnel, back when people used to call it a sprained wrist.
Before you get your Wii-playing-undies in a bunch, I mean to say I am no better than anyone who doesn't remember a time when Bruce Willis had hair.
No matter what your age, we all remember certain historical events. If you're nodding to the eight-track reference, you probably remember the day John Lennon was shot. The passing of Proposition 8 was no less monumental for me; both just didn't make sense.


It doesn’t matter what religious faith you practice, what color your skin is, or how you were raised - you are a human being. The night Proposition 8 passed in California, certain human beings were (and continue to be) denied their basic civil rights.
Take your mind to a place where, as a woman, you weren’t allowed to vote, or as a person of color, you couldn’t enter certain restaurants. Hard to imagine both situations were not that long ago. Proposition 8 was a California ballot reading: "Only marriage between a man a woman is valid or recognized in California." In other words, same-sex couples are robbed of legal rights - the things we may take for granted as a heterosexual person.
I’ve had talks with people who feel as long as the word ‘marriage’ isn't used, they have no objection. To them, marriage begins in a church and is between a man and a women. I say – fantastic! I also say that marriage can be different things for different people. Why does it have to be just one way? This is where I ask the question:
How does it effect you personally if a same-sex couple were to marry?
Even Butch Cassidy would've voted "no":
"I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.” ~ Paul Newman
"It's just not normal." is another phrase I hear. "Of course it's not." I answer. "Not to you."
If you look up the word normal in the dictionary you will find: conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. Therein lies the disconnect. Some people believe if someone's lifestyle is not similar to their own, they are not normal. This is where I ask minds to open and realize a simple truth; love knows no discrimination. Quite simply, love equals love.


If more people were like Philip Spooner, Adam Bouska, Jeff Parshley, Drew Barrymore and the Gorham family, the world would be a better place.

How two people lucky enough to find true love are looked upon as unworthy is beyond me.
Thank you Adam and Jeff. Here's to new monumental memories.
This is only the beginning.

PSA 2:

Drew Barrymore - her passion makes me cry:

The Gorham Family - (you know Chris Gorham from Ugly Betty)
My best friends, The Kirchners, think this way. We need more families like them.

Dr. Drew:

Phillip Spooner (86 year old speaking out for gay marriage):